LP Off Camera Flash // Effingham, IL Photographer 2013

I am not a Pretty Little Liars fan, but what I have noticed is how people are intrigued by drama, even if they know the outcome of the movie or television show.  What I do love is drama in photography lighting. I love the shadows verses the light. I guess it's a little like the Ying and Yang concept.  That is something I love to portray in my images that I create.  I had the privilege of teaching Amanda Brown this past week some cool ideas and how to come to a point of creating in a darker more dramatic style.  I cannot claim what I do as the creator by through past generations, they have helped us to get where we are.  Knowledge is power as most claim.  So check out a few shots that were created recently of our awesome model Mychal Lowrance.

Photography workshop

Off Camera Flash photography
